Admission & Entry
Admission Policy
The school is open term time from 8.00am - 3pm and is available for children aged between two years and up until they are six.
There is usually a Mother and Toddler Class scheduled once a week, term time only.
Admission to the school is termly.
Parents are encouraged to make an appointment to see the school and pick up an information pack which would include registration forms and details of fees.
A registration fee of £50.00 is needed to put your child’s name and validate registration (this does not guarantee a place).
On acceptance of a place, a deposit of £200 must be made to secure it. This amount will be deducted from the last term's fees. Also one term's notice must be handed to the school before withdrawing your children.
The school is registered for only 30 children and places are in high demand for certain periods.